All staff members of the Carnisse House medical practices try to help you as best they can. Our advice and treatment are based on the best scientific knowledge and experience. Nevertheless, it may happen that you are not satisfied with our care. We find this very annoying for you, but also for our GPs and staff.
- Do you have a complaint? Please discuss your complaint with us. Then we can work together to find a solution and possibly improve our care. Ask the assistant for a complaint form. With this form, you can make your complaint clear to us. We will then discuss your complaint within the team and come up with a quick response.
- You can also discuss your complaint with an independent complaints officer. The complaints officer will work with you to find a solution to your complaint or problem. The complaints officer can also try to mediate. Everything you tell the Complaints Officer is confidential. You can find the complaints form at The website of SKGE. You can also call the complaints officer: 088 - 022 91 90.
- Is it possible to solve your complaint with your GP and also not with the help of the complaints officer? Then you can submit your complaint to the General Practitioners Disputes Committee. This independent committee consists of a chairman (legal expert) and members on behalf of patients and members on behalf of GPs. The committee is supported by an official secretary (lawyer). The verdict of the Disputes Committee is binding. More information can be found in the leaflet which you can ask the assistant. Also at you can read more about the Disputes Committee.
Of course, we hope that these steps will never be necessary. And that we can work with you to live a long and healthy life.