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Privacy policy

Privacy regulations general practitioners Carnissehuis November 2023

How do we handle your personal data and your privacy in our general practice? You can read more about that in these privacy regulations. You will get information about your rights and our obligations.

New law: AVG
Since May 2018, there has been the law General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) has been in effect. The AVG protects your privacy and your personal data. An organization working with your personal data must comply with certain rules. Thanks to the new law, you also have certain rights.

Personal data
In our general practice, we also work with your personal data. This is necessary to be able to treat you properly. But also, for example, to be able to send you an invoice after treatment. Our general practice is obliged to work with your personal data, for your health and for the health of others. For example, a general practice is obliged to report an infectious disease to someone (Public Health Act).

Obligations of the GP practices that practice in the Carnissehuis. According to privacy laws, the GP practices that practice at the Carnissehuis must handle your personal data properly. We are responsible for ensuring that:

  • Your information will only be used for:
  • providing care;
  • management and policy;
  • Supporting scientific research, education and outreach.
  • Your data will not be used for other reasons/purposes.
  • Giving you information about when we use your personal information. For example, through your health care provider, through a leaflet or through our website
  • All employees of the general practitioners who practice at the Carnissehuis treat your personal data confidentially.
  • Your personal data is properly secured.
  • Your personal data will not be kept longer than necessary. For medical data, the time limit is 15 years from the last treatment. Your healthcare provider can always assess whether it is necessary to keep your data even longer. For example, for the health of your children.

Patients' rights

As a patient, you have the following rights:

  • You have the right to know if - and what - personal data of yours are used.
  • You can get a copy of the data that is used about you. You can also see the data (if this does not violate the privacy of others).
  • You can correct, supplement or delete data if necessary.
  • You can have your medical data - partially - destroyed. This is only possible if there is no legal obligation to keep the data. And if nobody else has an interest in retaining the data.
  • You may add your own - medical - statement to your file.
  • You may oppose the use of your data in certain cases.

Do you want to exercise any of these rights? If so, please indicate this to your doctor's office. You can do so verbally or in writing with a request form. You can also have a representative advocate for your rights. For example, a written representative, your guardian or your mentor.

General practitioners Carnissehuis

KNMG_220922_Randirective_Treating medical data_december_2022.pdf

We refer to the above document in our privacy policy.

This includes not providing medical information to third parties unless clear permission from the patient. The working arrangements below explain this in more detail.

Providing patient information to patient's neighbor(s):

- Basic rule never share information with anyone other than the patient.

- If it is desired, always need patient consent, so ask in advance.

- If patient consents to the provision of data, i.e., a referral letter, note that in the record.

- if someone other than the patient comes to pick up a letter, check in the file if patient has given permission for this, if not or not clear, the letter is not given and patient is contacted to make arrangements for this.

- if patient wants us to always communicate through someone, create icpc rule code A62, note details of contact with whom we may communicate. Explain to the patient that you are writing it down and that we will assume this specific consent without counter notification.

-Even sending information by mail requires the patient's consent. Sending information by mail is considered safer that giving information to a patient's next of kin in a sealed envelope(so do not do the latter without a patient's consent.


We use Juvoly Quickconsult in the practice, which is a tool, which
converts spoken text into a summary for the GP Information System. This helps the GP's work, making the consultation better. The spoken texts are not
stored and the summary, after being checked for correctness by the GP, is stored as usual in the


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